1. Early design / Masterplan
Stage A (Appraisal) |stage B (Design) | stage C (Concept)
- Initial fire strategy. Overview of main fire issues.
- Focus on masterplanning and massing issues such as site access issues for fire service, the number and location of staircores , fire water supplies and other major factors.
2. Design development
Stage D (Design) | stage E (Technical)
- Fire strategy development, including general support of design team and liaison with statutory authorities to obtain approvals.
- Design of fire safety systems (e.g. compartmentation, sprinklers, fire alarm system )
- If needed or beneficial, carry out fire engineering analyses such as egress and smoke modelling structural fire engineering and radiation analysis.
- Preparation of detailed drawings of bespoke doorsets and other fire resisting construction
- 3rd party peer review of fire engineering analyses carried out by others
3. Tender
Stage F (Production) | stage G (Tender) | stage H (Tender)
- Assist Client design team in developing tender documentation, packages and specifications
- Review of tenders to confirm content and competence of contractors
4. Construction
Stage J (Mobilisation) | stage K (construction to practical completion)
- Monitor and supervise fire safety throughout design development and construction to ensure construction complies with fire strategy intent Independent expert, site surveys,inspections and commissioning of fire safety systems and products, such as penetration sealing and fire doors.
- Ongoing Fire risk assessments of construction site.
- Represent Client interests in liaison and negotiations with statutory authorities to obtain approvals
- On hand expert advice to troubleshoot problems that arise on site.
- Certification of installers, products, systems and materials.
- Radiation external fire spread analysis for timber framed construction (and other types of timber construction).
5. Operation of completed building